Review Policy

Preferred Genres:

- YA/Teen
- Children’s Books
- Fantasy/ Paranormal
- Sci-Fi

- Mythology
- Dystopia
- Mystery/Suspense
- Romance
- Chick-Lit

Genres I Do Not Review:

- Religious Fiction
 - Erotica
 - Horror
 - Most Non-Fiction

**Please make sure to send books in-sequence**

How long will it take you to write a review?

Depending on how busy I am, or how long the book is, it could take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to write a review. Reviews will be posted on both my Goodreads account and my blog Lost In Wonderland, and I will make sure to notify you once they have been uploaded. Please note I DO NOT sell or give away any books I receive for review. Also, even if I give the book a low rating, I will never intentionally insult the author personally in my review, so my criticism should not be seen as such.

For contact information, please see the Contact Me section.